About Cyber Living

This site contains tips and tricks on how to improve a site's appearance, rank or presence ranging from the simple to more advanced techniques contained under Blogger Tips/Tricks and SEO Tips. As such, it is for novice and experienced bloggers alike.

It also contains detailed description of new and upcoming mobile and tablet devices found under Mobile Devices and Tablet links from the menu bar. Visitors may use it as reference prior to buying.

Lastly, it also contains articles and/or discussions on the bigger, more prominent, service providers in the Philippines.

Visitors are encouraged to leave comments about a topic or their suggestions on how to improve this site to better serve its purpose and give better user experience. Comments and suggestions can be done by either leaving a comment on a post (located below the article) or on our Contact page.

About the Author

Julis Emman is an Engineer by profession, worked at the semiconductor industry, trained to drive quality and interact with customers around the world but loved to write stuff that I encounter on a daily basis so I post them on my blogs.

His Google+ account contains a complete profile.